
Monday 15 October 2012

One sunny day in Manchester

On Friday 12th October we had a trip out to Manchester city centre with one of the day groups.

Even though it was a great day for photography - the sun was shining and the first of the autumn leaves were falling, I was struggling for inspiration!

Below are just a few of my images from the day - I'm not overly pleased with them all as I know I've done better but it's all good practise!

I thought this picture made for a beautiful autumn scene - I love the brightly coloured yellow leaves on the ground which marks arrival of the new season

I suddenly saw the pigeons take flight! Unfortunately I had the wrong settings and the original was over exposed. Tweaking the image did not improve it a great deal but I still like the way I've managed to capture some of the action

I wasn't too happy with the composition of the original image so I have cropped the image to highlight the birds and actions, rather than the sourroundings.


 I decided to photograph this couple as they were going past this window.  I thought this would be a good test shot for the shadows and reflections themes I'm exploring for one of my briefs.  The image hasn't turned out that bad - although, the original was under exposed - difficult to quickly get the camera setting right and capture a fleeting moment!


 I turned this image into black and white as I didn't want the background colours to distract from the main subject.  As I normally prefer non human photography, this was a good way to practice capturing expressions, movements and body shapes.  This image also has a good shallow depth of field
I was sat front of this woman but strangely she did not notice the camera going off - I think it's great the way she looks lost in her own thoughts 

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