
Friday 1 March 2013

Wide angle perspective distortion

I missed the morning session of the class due to personal reasons so wasn't sure exactly what I was required to do.  However, after speaking to colleagues, I was told we were given the task to photograph something using the wide angle lens from a high or low perspective.  I still wasn't too clear about it but went on to seek inspiration around the college.
Using the college wide angle lens (Sigma 10mm-20mm) I took quite a few photographs from a low perspective.  The resulting images had, what you may refer to in technical term, as perspective distortion.  In lay mans term, perspective distortion is when an object that is closer to you appears bigger than something that's farther away.  This can be used in a creative way to emphasise specific elements in an image.   
Below are some of my efforts from the day.  I'm not very happy with what I've achieved so I'll be having another go at this. However, given my limited understanding of the task I feel the images just about demostrate the effects of wide angle perspective distortion.      



  1. Thanks Mina, some very strong images, maybe I should show these to people when they say there is nothing to shoot around college.

    1. Thanks, John. I don't actually think they're that good but, I'm more than happy for them to be shown.
